A few comments & testimonies from our Rock Creek families:
“I wanted to let you know how very much I appreciate your kindness, attentiveness and helpfulness during Mom’s illness. The Caregivers have done such a good job…” –PK
“Thank you for having a Christ-centered facility. I always notice the Christian music playing. God has had His hand in everything that’s happened since moving her to GA in December 2009 and she is by far so much better off at Rock Creek. You all are a blessing to her and to us, her loving family. Thank you for what you do each and every day. God bless you during this holy season and throughout each day of the year.” –CC
“When K took mom back to Rock Creek Manor, she said that she was so glad she was coming back to home here instead of going back to an empty house. What a blessing this is for us. She felt the love and concern of the other residents and the staff and seems to be feeling that this is really her home. And to think, I was expecting her to sit in her room all day and worried that she could not walk all the way down the hall for meals. You are miracle workers and are truly fulfilling a mission.” –TM
“I wanted to add my sincere thanks to you! I know that my mother, A, is being very well taken care of. It eases my mind so much to know she is at your facility with you and your caring staff. To all of you, I wish a very Merry Christmas and the best of New Years!” –SP
“There are so many big and little things that everyone positively adds to each residents lives each day. I hope other family members appreciate Rock Creek as much as I do.” –P
“I just wanted to comment on the loving care you and many of your staff show. As I was leaving Mom’s room about an hour ago, you were across the hall and giving her such love and attention. When I grew up, my Mom said she never wanted to go to any “home” and mainly because she heard such horrible stories about “homes,” including residents being mistreated, etc. However, Rock Creek is certainly a blessing in our lives because of you. Your care and concern are just wonderful. If or when any of the rest of my family go to assisted living or nursing home, I hope they are taken care of people like you and your staff.” –JP
“Just finished looking at the pictures from Sunday’s Holiday Brunch. I want to say “thank you” to all for not only the Brunch but every day at Rock Creek. My sweet Mama is a resident there and has been since February. This facility is an answer to prayer because the first place she was after being moved to GA was not satisfactory. She has been so content at Rock Creek. When we first visited and met Theresa, it was like walking into a bed and breakfast. Having my Mom so far away has been hard but knowing she’s close to M, J, and MJ and how well they look out for her along with the staff at Rock Creek, I am at peace with where she is. I love visiting her there and look forward to my next visit the later part of January. I already have my plane reservations.” –CC
“My mom FD has started going to Rock Creek Manor for the Senior Day Care and she just LOVES it. All the staff is wonderful. She tells everyone she sees what a great place it is.” –KA